Thursday, 25 July 2013

Benefits To Working Out In the Morning!

During the summertime I love being able to work out in the morning! Waking up, with the sun already shining and knowing your day is going to get off the a positive start is an awesome feeling! Not only, that it’ll seriously help you get outta bed!

One reason I love working out, in general, is because I sleep a lot better at night – and I’m a teenager so I love my sleep! However, when I know I’m going to be working out in the morning I go to sleep a lot earlier then I otherwise would. Getting this extra beauty sleep is awesome during the hot and busy summer months.

Another reason working out in the morning is a great idea is because when you work out in the morning you’re allowing your metabolism to get going right away! Meaning you’ll be burning calories all day long.

Lastly, getting in an early morning exercise is great physiologically!  Sure, the first few times it’ll be hard but after, the sense of achievement you get all day long is awesome! Not only that but, you don’t have to worry about where else in the day you’ll fit in your workout because its already over with!

As you can see, working out in the morning is an awesome way to kick start your day and get going during the summertime! Try it and let me know what you think about working out in the morning!

Love, Peace & Yoga,

P.S. New posts will be available every Thursday!

Follow me on Instagram: bylaurastrong

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Hello, Fellow Health Nuts and Fitness Pals!

When it comes to fitness I believe in being the best and healthiest you rather then the skinniest. raspberriesandyoga is not about losing weight; it’s about feeling healthy, energized and, overall, better in your own skin!

Although, I’m not an expert I do run my own life and the best I can do is share what I do, with you! It happens to involve a lot of raspberries and yoga! Everything from healthy eating recipes to my yoga routine to random tips!

Carpe Diem!

Love, Peace & Yoga,

P.S. New posts will be available every Thursday!